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15 Things Rich People Do That The Poor Don’t

I took some MORE time this morning to type down so that i can memorize things i watch in this video. Here there are. Hope the list will wake you up, just like what it did to me. Haha!

15 Things Rich People Do That The Poor Don’t

  1. Rich people read a lot
  2. Rich people sacrifice the present for the future
  3. Rich people go all-in on their strengths
  4. Rich people believe they are responsible for their own fate
  5. Rich people set their financial goals
  6. Rich people sleep less
  7. Rich people have money work for them
  8. Rich people don't protest of boycott, they produce
  9. Rich people think in terms of abundance not scarcity
  10. Rich people play the long game
  11. Rich people focus on being healthy
  12. Rich people study other successful people
  13. Rich people have mentors
  14. Rich people understand the world is changing
  15. Rich people are making the world a better place
additional: rich people get paid on results not on time.

by (15 Things Rich People Do That The Poor Don’t)
Nov 5, 2017. watched Dec 20, 2017.


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