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Brunei & Food Part 1

It's Wednesday, tomorrow marks 1 month me & friends working in Brunei Darussalam, the Abode of Peace..
I have posted some pictures in my previous blog, but I never get the chance to update the entry. So here comes the updates.

On the 14th of March 2013 we arrived in Brunei. I was the first one to landed, as my home state is just 'next door'.. Sarawak.. Later that night, the others came and checked in at the same hotel the office provided for us. We were informed that  we will be staying there for 2 weeks. What's happening during the 1st week? It was culture shock to most of us. The Brunei's way of life, how they behave on road, working culture, food they are remarkably different to ours in Malaysia. (Most part of Malaysia). For the 'Peninsularian' fellows, they seemed to be shocked with the time difference. In Peninsular Malaysia, its not dark until 700pm but in Borneo Island (that includes East Malaysia) its dark at 6.30pm.. (Thats why before 31 Disember 1981 we (Peninsular & East Malaysia) had two different time zone.) They (Peninsularian friends) use to perform Subuh around 6, now u have to do it before 6! Hehehe..

Description: The building is where we stay, Asma Hotel Jerudong. Dont ask me about the rates, I never care about it from the start.. The rice i ate was BND1.00. In Malaysia we call it 'nasi campur' or 'nasi berlauk' since you eat nasi (rice), campur (add) few lauk (main & side dishes). In Malaysia this 'nasi campur' cost around MYR3.00 to MYR4.00. (talking about money value..? *sigh..)

We went food hunting around the hotel since the 2nd day. As you can see there are many places to eat around the hotel. Amanah Harith Restaurant serve Malaysian food but Im not sure if the workers are Malaysian.. The KTM is actually a Thai Seafood restaurant. Their clear soup Tom Yam was S.U.P.E.R.B! 

We had chances to try out other food outlets as well. Of course I personally will always hunt for the Brunei's special food or delicacies.. So u can wait for another entry about food soon hehehe

Before I come to Brunei, I google up food price but it seems really difficult to find the latest and reliable ones. Perhaps I'm searching at the wrong places?

Here's the famous Ambuyat as the local name it, same with Sabahans.. Sarawakian Malay call it 'Linut' and Sarawakian Melanau call it 'Inut'. Linut without the 'L'. Its my favourite! But the difference is the gravy you eat with it. (I was taught but the worker to add 'tempoyak' (durian paste), 'binjai' and some sugar. Different and refreshing taste. So here's how the ambuyat meal set look like. Cost BND7.00 per head. Its like eating buffet style but instead of rice, you can change it to a hearty bowl of ambuyat.. like mine! That's not chopstick but it works like one. They call it 'candas' in Brunei, to eat the ambuyat.

WARNING: the taste without gravy is really plain. if you hate swallowing something slimy (like mucous), or oozy, maybe you should think twice.. hehe. 


What can "BND1" buy for you?

1. Nasi Katok
Brunei Dollar 1 is enough to fill up your stomach with Nasi Katok. The identity, and the meal consists of 'nasi', some sambal/gravy made of shrimp paste, anchovies and chillies and a piece of fried chicken meat. Of course its not healthy food, deep fried chicken without vege.. I can eat nasi katok for a few days but not for the whole week! Ill be dead with indigestion and malnutrition, and of course constipation will definitely kill me too! erk!

2. Fresh Vegetables
You can get fresh vegetables at 50 cents. Really fresh ones..!

3. Kueh. Varieties of local snacks, and 'desserts' a.k.a munchies
*sorry about the kueh melaka (malaysia: kuih buah melaka) i ate 3 of them so i only get to capture 2 of them for your eyes candy. hehehe

Kueh Ledah- in MY we call it kuih Lidah as well, some call it 'Kapal Terbang' (airplane). Particularly, in Sarawak we call it Serbana @ Sarbana.
Kueh Ardam- in Sarawak we call it 'Redam'. not sure about Peninsularians..

4. Nasi Campur
You can go to Tamu Selera (or is it Medan Selera?) to buy nasi campur at $1.00 only. Dont go to exclusive restaurant to get this price.. Some shopping complex have small stalls outside the building selling nasi campur at $1. Somehow, you will notice that mostly they're Indonesian style since kitchen workers & 'chef' are mostly Indonesian. They talk distinctively different from the local, of course!

Okay. I have been preparing this entry since yesterday.. Oh my.. That's all for today, please wait patiently for my next entry. Huhuhu


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