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Kuching to Kudat by road

Our holiday May this year was to Sabah again, this time less talking more pictures..

Mind you! We manage to go and come back safely with the help of our friendly Uncle GoogleMap!

D1: Me and son fly from Kuching to Miri, meanwhile my spouse and mother in law travel Kuching to Miri by car (my fuel saving car hehehe). My mom, dad and my younger brother travel in a 4WD vehicle from Sibu to Miri. So we meet up at Miri.
D2: From Miri, me, my son joined mom, dad and my younger brother straight to Miri. Since I couldn't find green card copy of my car so husband and mother in law had to travel all the way from Miri to Kota Kinabalu by bus. Later we met at Kota Kinabalu.

Fascinating to me: the signboards in Brunei used Jawi.. Arabic letters. Vehicles were mostly imported ones. Malaysian car was there too, I think its considered as the cheapest car.. No offense.

Seria: perhaps its an oil town like Miri and Bintulu in Sarawak

Jerudong Park--Unfortunately, it was closed that day!

Stopping for meal. Nope, we're not spending any money. We bought food from home. Hehehe.. its a low budget holiday, afterall!

After 32 years, Im back here at Bandar Seri Begawan!

Then, proceed to Limbang. It was 5pm so we decided to have a stay here at Purnama Hotel at Limbang town. Had our dinner in the room, and breakfast at the coffee house.

D3: Limbang to KK.

On our way to Sabah of course! Not until you get through Temburong District!

There! Sabah is on the signboard now!

But not there yet! Cross Lawas first! Its a small town, serene one.

This is Sabah. The beautiful seashore @ Sipitang Sabah

Sipitang Esplanade

Beaufort Waterfront. Stopping for Lunch. We bought some food at Sipitang and cooked rice at hotel when we were in Limbang.

some landmarks that we manage to capture.

So we arrived at Kota Kinabalu safely, staying at The Palace Hotel for the night.
We rented a car from the airport.

D4: KK to Ranau. Stopping at Kundasang for some strawberry, but decided to buy them the next day.. We went to Poring Hot Spring later that day after checking in at a hotel not far away.

D5: Ranau - Kota Belud - Kudat - KK
View from the hotel we stayed was breathtaking. Beautiful nature. And our son slept well that night, no mosquitoes as we expected. Temperature was cool too!

Breakfast at Ranau town. Quick stop at Kundasang and went straight to Kota Belud.

Pondok Timpohon: Trail to peak of Kinabalu Mountain. You get to see the peak closer here early in the morning.

Kota Belud

Now to Tanjung Simpang Mengayau, Kudat

Here's the tip of borneo. Its my 2nd time here.

The sea corals, shells are sold by the roadside

 Lastly, that day we went to Kudat. Then head out straight to Kota Kinabalu.

D6: KK to Miri
D7: Miri to Sibu.
D8: Sibu to Kuching

will be there in Sabah again before this year ends!


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