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Showing posts from December, 2010

Congrats Malaysia!

We won the AFF Suzuki Cup last night! Malaysian Safee won Top Scorer, though Indonesian Firman (the captain) is the MVP.. (which i think this is better than the top scorer.. but the world seems to love top scorer more than MVP..) I ignored my love for K-drama to watch the game! Its just unfortunate that I forgot about it completely during the 1st half game.. As for 2nd half , I found myself screaming by myself at home with my 'new tenants' accompanying..  Its the first time ever Malaysia won the Cup! I must say I respect Indonesian Team as they have been winning runner up a couple of time. Nasuha, the Indonesian defender who scored, really amazed me. I never thought a defender can do that! Something obvious and interesting (at least for me) during the game last night was better ball passing. Accuracy is important and I usually  ignore a football games when ball passes are not accurate.. Last night I get to see this, which is something i rarely see since .. like.. never?! ...

new tenants..

introducing my new tenants.. or maybe i should call them foster family? I found 4 kittens sleeping in a box in my bedroom on monday.. they must have entered my room through the opened windows the day before.. I let them use the box as their shelter, but I don't have enough guts to keep them in my house. (I'm scared of the 'mommy'..) So i just put them outside of house, and managed to make sure that the box is warm. after 2 days leaving them outside the house, i start to love these 4 kittens (though still scared of the mommy.. i'm scared of cats basically, but specifically adult ones..) and i found myself asking for permission from my husband to keep them in my house. and here i am, having them as my new tenants at night.. though i have to keep them outside the house at daylight.. i have whole nights to capture their moments together.. really love them. they're so cute! im not good at giving pets name.. so i don't have any names yet... suggestion?? the...

i HATE calculating BMI..!

i HATE calculating BMI..! Ive always been categorised as 'overweight' or sometimes 'obese' (especially now when i'm pregnant). I don't think I look obese, but I AM overweight..!? Can you imagine a person called obese? They usually have a huge 'pile' of fat on their stomach, buttocks, arms and thighs. But as for me? I do have a motorcycle sized of 'spare tyre' on my stomach, not even bigger than that! And fats under my arms are not even as big as my calves! Then how do you categorize me as obese??? You can't even count my fat using BMI! Arghh! Stu*^& BMI..! They (nurses) even made sure to put this GREEN sticker on my pregnancy card as reminder of my weight..! But it puzzled people when I mention my real weight because it doesn't seem to fit my appearance that well.. I always get that shocked look among nurses especially if they are using that 'me-vs-stone' weight-scales.. They usually starts the estimation way 20kg lighter th...


Tengah hari ni, selera makan aku bertambah. Tekak ni dah mula terima sayur semula walaupun tak banyak. Mungkin cara masakan orang tu yang buat aku berselera, tambah-tambah pulak ada ketam masak sos yang tak habis semalam gara-gara sibuk meratah sotong sambal.. Lepas makan je, aku tersadai.. tidur.. zzzz.. Betul-betul macam ular sawa.. Bangun tidur, kepala fikir.. "Ok jugak hari ni, anaknda ni tak buat perangai menendang-nendang masa aku tengah tidur..". Tak lama lepas tu, terasa dia menendang, pelan-pelan je mula tu.. Aku tersenyum sorang sambil cakap kat dia "Nak main dengan mak ke? Mak sakit perut nak buang dulu lah.. Nanti kita main.." (Ramai orang nasihat kena rajin-rajin bersembang dengan anak yang masih dalam perut bila dia dah mencecah 5 bulan. Mula- mula rasa pelik, tapi dah 2-3 minggu ni rasa ok sikit dah.) Tak lama aku cakap, makin kuat & kerap pulak dia menendang.. Aku pulak dah tak tahan nak membuang.. Keluar dari tandas, aku angkat baju dan urut-uru...

Naik 2.1kg sebulan?!

Pagi tadi pegi regular check di KKIA (bukan kk airport ye..).. isu kali ni, berat aku naik mendadak 2.1kg dalam 1 bulan. Aiyo! Rasanya tak sampai 2.1kg pon! Bukan sebab pagi tadi aku dah sarapan 'berat2' ke.. ;P hehehe Suda kena warning sama doc "sila jaga diet".. nak jaga diet camana doc? Nasi + Lauk tak lalu nak makan? Balik2 belasah roti. kalau tak belasah nasi goreng.. eh, selalu ke aku makan nasi goreng? rasenye macam baru 3-4 kali dalam sebulan ni.. roti hampir tiap2 hari makan.. Pas tu belasah buah, macam2 perkara buah! Dari buah anggur sampai buah pisang semua telan! Tapi kalau ajak makan nasik? Sori brader! Ulang-alik kedai 2 kali pun belum tentu selera tengok nasik... Balik je rumah aku dah naik serabut, kena fikir dulu apa patut makan n apa tak patut makan.. Risau jugak kalau tiba-tiba dapat kencing manih! nauzubillah... Kita tengok la camana pulak kes bulan depan.. harap-harap tak kena paksa minum air gula.. Huwaa! (kalo nak check kencing manis kenapa nak ...

Looking Back 2010

It's December, almost the end of year 2010. (Yet we still haven't got any flying cars..) I was updating in my 'Sasaran Kerja Tahunan'.. only then I realized.. "Wow Hera, you achieved quite a lot.." You never know your capabilities if you havent been pushed to the edge.. And I, not only on the edge now but actually fell down. Hehehe.. My health issues seems to effect my capability to do my best at work place.. (Even the Msian Prime Minister get hospitalized too.. and had to hand over some jobs to others). Even if I am not praised for works I have done, contributions that I had made to the department.. I don't mind now since I know I did an excellent job while I was burdened with the responsibilities. 2011 is the year for me to start concentrating more on my family and myself. I have quite a few things on my mind for the new year. But having less aims or resolutions doesn't mean you are incapable.. It actually give you time and space to do the best an...