We won the AFF Suzuki Cup last night! Malaysian Safee won Top Scorer, though Indonesian Firman (the captain) is the MVP.. (which i think this is better than the top scorer.. but the world seems to love top scorer more than MVP..) I ignored my love for K-drama to watch the game! Its just unfortunate that I forgot about it completely during the 1st half game.. As for 2nd half , I found myself screaming by myself at home with my 'new tenants' accompanying.. Its the first time ever Malaysia won the Cup! I must say I respect Indonesian Team as they have been winning runner up a couple of time. Nasuha, the Indonesian defender who scored, really amazed me. I never thought a defender can do that! Something obvious and interesting (at least for me) during the game last night was better ball passing. Accuracy is important and I usually ignore a football games when ball passes are not accurate.. Last night I get to see this, which is something i rarely see since .. like.. never?! ...
segala benda yang makcik nak merapu. dari drama korea, sampai la waktu operasi imigresen. ehhh kau diam! macik punya blog macik punya suka laaahhh! hihi