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Showing posts from January, 2010

journey to motherhood

im 1-year married to Abg Armand Abg Ismail. And ive been pregnant twice, but none of them stay. both are miscarried. when a bulky blood rushes out of me, i was stunned. speechless. i flushed the toilet and went to my room, sitting n thinking what to do. after a while, took my hp and dialed '2' for speed dial to hubby. i dont know that to tell him, but i said "dah sekda.." (its gone..). then the story goes.. im not interested to write the details now. its just painful (still). its my 2nd pregnancy and it was like our present for our 1st anniversary. i guess you cant consider something alive (or possibly not alive) as a present. cos it can somehow be gone without a warning. *sigh. here goes my next 3 months cycle. again. i thought i wont go through this again, but then.. Only God knows that i have to do this all over again.. patient is the key word. i consider this as a punishments to all my previous sins.. which i have a LOT! so, i should not think negative but ...


This is the calendar that was said to predict baby's sex 97% accurate. Let's see if they are true in 8 months time!!! Try out. 1st: check your age at the top row. 2nd: check when was your last period. 3rd: u'll get F/M. thats fun isnt it?

New Year vs New Resolution(s)

Happy New Year! Selamat Tahun Baru!!! my new year last year was captured in a picture, but not this year.. But this year 2010, is another new chapter for me and hubby. There were only the 2 of us enjoying new year eve in Miri. But now, we have our little one in my womb that makes our new year joyable. Pray for our healthy, insyaAllah. I have been through miscarriage last year, so my hubby and i are both looking forward for this baby. a month counting towards new year, u can hear almost all TV programs will get bz asking the common bonanza prize question:: "Apa azam tahun baru anda???" Whats your new year resolution? i was one of those who makes new resolutions each new year. But out of three, sometimes I have 1 fulfilled. Or worse case, not even one! So since last year I dont make new resolutions anymore. I guess its the "increasing golden number" that caused me to think a lot. I mean. A LOT! Whats the point of making yearly resolution not able to make them co...