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Residence Hotel UNITEN Bangi & a 4 hours trip to the Mines

Hi friends! Jumpa lagi...

Lama btul aku ber'hibernasi'. Kalau kucing tu dah 5 kali beranak. Nasib baik bukan kucing.. ahax

Kali ni nak tunjuk RESIDENCE HOTEL OF UNITEN, BANGI, Selangor...

Tak nak menceceh banyak sangat, risau gak ter'mengumpat' lagi karang.. Ahaha..! Kurang tak, bertambah lagi ada dosa2 den. Huhuhu!

ada 5 tingkat bilik hotel. not sure how many rooms are there actually. im on the 3rd floor, but up to tonight only 10092009. am here attending a meeting, sort of. its a program orientation. whenever there's a change in our curriculum, there will be a program orientation.

From Drop Box

The room, comfortable enough. Cukup selesa, n luas jugak la. Tapi ada satu problem. Toilet tu cam ade kureng la.. Daily basis dorang cuma bagi 2 towels, n takde tuala muka pon.. Toiletries pun dia takkan bagi kalau dia nampak masih ada kat toilet. Hmm... Kedekut jugak nih..
Yang paling tak bes tu.. seterika pakaian kena pegi utility room sebab they dont have enough 'iron' kat situ. lpas dia drop off iron n the board kat bilik, an hour later they call u to get it back. Aiya...

Tapi.. 1 thing FABOLOUS kat sini, ialah MAKAN BUKA PUASA ! yA rABBI! Banyak gila makanan! Just name it!
burger? nasi briyani? mee rebus? kuweytiaw goreng? kambing panggang? (sekor tau! bukan sikit2!) dessert ada banyak jenis! kek? almond london? pudding? jelly? ulam-ulaman pun ada. buah lagi. ape lagi ek. bubur lambuk pon ade. kebab lagi. aiskrim lagi! 3 lanes of food and u can eat as many as u can! it cost RM55++ per person n RM28++ for children.

disebabkan aku n kawan2 ni bleh jama' solat, ape lagi! makan cam tak ingat! tapi hari ni dah tak leh nak jama' solat.. huhu..

aku sempat gak tunjuk2 mines shopping complex kat kwn aku.. + tunjuk mines wonderlands (dari luar je.. )

From Drop Box

Banyak tempat gak dah pegi beberapa bulan ni. nanti update lagi yekk.. nak siap2 tuka baju nak turun berbuka posa. di RESIDENCE HOTEL BANGI!! jangan jeles haaaaa.. (cancel aje semua diet plan tu kalau dah dtg sini bulan pose..)


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