i think the name is PORTILACA PORTULACA GRANDIFLORA. I tried searching for japanese rose but most of the pictures look different to mine. So after 2 days searches, found out the portilaca name. These flower have no scent, if the weather is sunny its in full bloom around 10-11 in the morning. if its a little cloudy, then a little chance that it will bloom prettily. The upper left red flower is in full bloom, so as the upper middle one. and the yellow in the middle left picture. The pinky flower picture lower right one, are taken around 3 pm. I have decided to keep this entry updated from time to time. Everytime i have a nice picture i will try to post it in here. ======================================================================= 24.8.2015 update So i managed to search for some information, so here's the link to read: Wimastergardener . my bestfriend gave me these (in pic above), they may not be bushy yet but they seem to live well. (Not ...
segala benda yang makcik nak merapu. dari drama korea, sampai la waktu operasi imigresen. ehhh kau diam! macik punya blog macik punya suka laaahhh! hihi