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Showing posts from July, 2012

out of hibernation..?

not exactly.. i had problems to log in into this blog since last post. i guess wrong setup caused everything. Now that i have changed my machine, I'll install everything a blogger need. so what's up since last post? we went for another VACATION! woohooo! this time around, Sabah again. My husband just had a crush on Sabah, so Sabah is all he could think of for holiday.. (Sometimes I wish I could put Sabah in a box, wrap and give it to him..) other than vacation, we caught flu & fever a few times.. *sigh, sniff2, cough. Started with my son, then me and lastly mr husband. I'm O-type, and I think my husband is one too.. why would we be in fever-chain if we're not O-blood?? *stupid reason for that.. hehehe Next post will be about our vacation.. soon!